Important mcq on john donne in english for bank,BCS and others competitive exams

 Important Mcq on john donne in English for bank,BCS and others competitive exams



About John Donne

John Donne was an English poet,scholar and Soldier.He was Born in 22 January 1572. John Donne belongs to Cathelic family Who reluctantly  became a cleric in the Church in England.Donne's style is characterised by abrupt openings and various paradoxes, ironies and dislocations. Donne was born in London in 1571 or 1572, into a recusant Roman Catholic family when practice of that religion was illegal in England.

John Donne Others Information

Born: 22 January 1572

Died: 31 march 1631

Country: English

Occupation: Poet,priest,lawer

Here some important Mcq on John Donne

1.       John Donne Birth Year-

A.      1572

B.      1573

C.      1666

D.      1566

Answer: A

2.       John Donne Birth Country-

A.      Scotland

B.      England

C.      France

D.      USA

Answer: B

3.       Who Known as Poet of love

A.      William shakespeare

B.      John Donne

C.      P.B. Shelley

D.      John Keats

Answer: B

4.       The Good morrow –Written By?

A.      Jane Austen

B.      John Keats

C.      P.B. Shelley

D.      John Donne

Answer: D

5.       The Sun Rising- Who has written the poem?

A.      Sir Thomas Wyatt

B.      Francis Bacon

C.      Jonathon Swift

D.      John Donne

Answer:  D

6.       Twicknam-By

A.      Daniel Defoe

B.      Thomas Gray

C.      John Donne

D.      Edmund Burke

Answer: C

7.       The Flea-Who has written the poem?

A.      P.B. Shelley

B.      John Donne

C.      Sir Walter Scott

D.      Thomas Gray

Answer: B

8.       “I wonder by my truth,what thou and i did till we love”- Is a famous dialogue by?

A.      Francis Bacon

B.      William shakespeare

C.      John Donne

D.      Andrew Marvell

Answer:  C

9.       Famous Quote “ She`s all states and all princesses I, nothing else is” –by

A.      John Donne

B.      Daniel Defoe

C.      Edmund Burke

D.      Thomas Gray

Answer: A

10.   “ If they be two,they are two so, As stiff twin compasses are two.” Quote By-

A.      Christopher Marlowe

B.      John Donne

C.      Thomas Gray

D.      John Keats

Answer: B

John Donne Famous Book: An Anatomy of the World

Famous Poems Written by John Donne

1.       The good morrow

2.       The sun rising

3.       Twicknam Garden

4.       The canonization

5.       The Undertaking

6.       For Whom The Bell Tolls

Famous quote:

i.                     I wonder by my truth, what thou and i did till we love

ii.                   Busy old fool,unruly sun why dost thou thus?Through windows and through curtains call on us?

iii.                  If they be two, they are two so, As stiff twin compasses are two.


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